Farm Cove 6x900m reps

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Back down to Farm Cove for some gate-to-gate intervals. Decided to piggy back Brendan's planned session. Hard to beat such crisp weather.

3km warm-up before easing my way into 6 reps of 3.5 min on, 1 min off. That is 4.5 min cycles.

The distance covered over 3.5 min was maybe 900m (#1) and by the end, 950m. 60s rest was spent jogging in circles. Pacing showed 3:40s initially (felt hard) then 3:15s by the end (felt hard).

Legs feel OK, mental hunger to push myself is worse. Happy to call it a day after a short 1.5km warm down. Saw Barts and Jeet also working on the tan around Farm Cove.

12km all up, of which the actual session was 6.5km over 25:30 (did not stop watch at the floats).

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