Du Liban, Marrickville (19 September 2015) - Shaksuka Report
Sunday, September 20, 2015Du Liban transpired into a self-awarded food archaeologist badge when I first unearthed this jewel, buried deep in the industrial Mines of Marrickville. Initial review 8/10.
Glaring omission is a Shakshuka. This yardstick is well acquainted with my stomach. Also note hunger works magic to the food critique in me and a tidy 90m morning run helps.
What I like?
Heavy on the spice, olive oil provides richness, iron pan adds authenticity.
Love the 'lockness effect' with untold treasures lurking below the surface:
- enhancers in soft egg yolk, caramelised onion, slow cooked tomato
- standard carriers in soft beans and pillow-like potato pieces
Obviously no wheel re-invention, but good execution.
What needs work?
Watery distillation. Needs more oven time with sauce failing to clutch onto the beans in full.
A porous flat bread ensures a laundry disaster (for the wife). Best analogy is a Mad Mex burrito leaking sauce all over the work pants. Weekend track pants need an emergency appointment with our 7L top-loader. I'm adjusting dish price to include 25c water plus 25c detergent cost.
For $12 (+50c), there is still serious value arbitrage vs other well-loved baked eggs hot spots (Shenkin Kitchen $18, Trio Cafe $22, Four Ate Five $18). Filling, robust and authentic. 9/10.
As an aside, the Shakshuka is best washed down with a Zahra Big Breakfast (previously reviewed). Excellent choice if $16 is available and appetite permits.
Still no idea how to critique bean blends, but the cappa is good.