Mid Week Fillers
Thursday, February 26, 2015Thursday
A little gap at lunch left me a great opportunity to circle the Opera House and shoot down to Rushcutters via Garden Island. Went solo today and it truly was unplanned. Foot continues to feel a little suspicious. Everything else, particularly the quads felt great.
12km all up at 5 min/km.
Late finish and evening rain prevented a cycle home (light not working). Slapped on the new Mizuno Hitogami shoes, now in black and pink! Felt ridiculously amazing and the niggles were gone.
Amazes me every time - same model, but switching from 500km old shoe to a fresh pair makes such a difference. Suppose you don't notice the slow deterioration until it is too late.
Add another 7km home at 5:30 min/km.