
Under the Weather

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

This head cold continues to persist and is perhaps creeping down to the chest. Hence last few days have been particularly easy, even relative to my usual schedule.

Not too fussed however, as there is no real motivation to race in the short-term.

A recap as follows:

Monday - joined the HuRTS from Macquarie, but decided to create my own stragglers group that ran 5 min/km (rather than the usual 4:30s). Lucky to have company in Wooey and Sam J. Spent most of the time patting ourselves on the pack for running slow.

Tuesday - cold got worse so was home sick. Best I managed was a Bay Run jog/walk with Molly to clear the throat.

Wednesday - a little better so I took my chance with a jog to work. Detoured a little via Newtown and through USYD before shooting back up George Street. 9km all up with another 7km jog home.

Pondering doing the Rushcutters session tomorrow. Likely not a good idea.

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