

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Monday wharves
Joined Wooey for an easy 8km starting at CQ and circling Hickson wharves before making the return. Briefly linked up with the HURTS crew of 10ish towards the end but I but it short. This was a planned recovery so the pace was 5.30s. Successfully threw in 2 sets of 25 push ups

Tuesday Farm Cove
A repeat recovery but this time zip zapped around farm Cove at 5 min pace.  Crossed paths with the squad doing 4x10 intervals.  With the legs better but still tender from last week, I was happy to let them go.

Finished up with 12km bang on 1 hour.

The plan is 8 to 10k per day and Friday Saturday rest.  No speed. I've asked Charlie to chain me to the desk on Friday.

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