ABC with HuRTS
Friday, January 15, 2016
Stuck to the swim plan despite the temp 3pts below my physiological cut-off (25 degrees). Fear of coldness was heightened by the wind-chill factor. Renee seemed keen after an 18 month ABC hiatus so I had no choice.
Usual HuRTS swim team were as per Coach Walker's instruction whilst I discretely cruised in the adjacent lane. Trying to re-find the stroke feeling relatively rusty from lack of swim time in recent weeks. R suggested 4x200m, 4x100m and 4x50m which I stuck to... without break and at the same pace. In effect with the warm-up and warm-down (again, same pace), 1.8km all up.
1km split was 19:10. The sort of split that suggests I'm lucky not to drown.
Finished the lunch sesh with a jog around Farm Cove and OH with Renee. Glad I toughed it out.
Run wise - 10km home to work return plus 5km ABC return.