
Cremorne Point

Thursday, October 29, 2015

I've been wisely reminded of the magical powers of sleep. Could explain my poor recovery of late.

Last night not good. Zero banked and continued questions over leg readiness. Thus I reluctantly gave Rushcutters HuRTS session a miss.

Coerced Richard Woo into an 'easy' Cremorne Point loop in cracking sunshine. It's a tidy 13km out and back made popular by the Warriors crew on Fridays. The pitch to RW is admittedly a euphemism given the hills, shown below.

For me, a peaceful run at 5:20s with the relentless North-Side steps offering some hope of strength training. I do love hills. Poor RW, pretty shaken by the end, still remained in good spirit.

14km in 72 min.

I added another 5km running home. No regrets.

Tomorrow, pondering a swim at ABC with the crew. Unsure if I feel like participating in the 1km TT.

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