
1k PB - Swim Time Trial

Friday, October 30, 2015

Time Trial - ABC

My most recent exposure to stroke lessons and group swimming was at Lane Cove - under 7s, C squad (out of three). Suffice to say, I'm not good in the water.

Anyway, it's a great recovery tool and one I've started to enjoy come Spring. After persistent pressuring from Timmy and B Wong (aka Yum Cha), I linked up with the swim squad at ABC. The big event was the 1k Handicap Time Trial.

Pretty big turnout seeing Timmy, BW, Champ, Liam, Pete Walker, Eoin to name a few.

Expectations were low, very low but I gave it a shot. First mistake was sneaking into the fast lane.

There's no upside because I'm too slow to sit on anyone's feet.

Happy flapping for 600m before I started to get steamrolled, literally. At 800m, I lost 5s just waiting for 3 to pass before I stopped the watch, transitioned to medium lane and continued. Worked hard to maintain a low stroke rate, good kick and respectable form (or my version of it). Undoubtedly, my splits probably slowed from sub 55s per lap to just under 60s.

I didn't monitor the time but at 1000m, the watch read 18:55. I looked up and everyone was finished and getting changed. O well. A good benchmark for monthly tracking!

Delighted to clip Liam by 10s and avoid the wooden spoon. Rest of crew are 17:30s or below, miles ahead. Timmy claimed he did not slip-stream his way to a 16:40 PB. I have my doubts. Meanwhile, Yum Cha proved Orientals can float with 16:08. I'm now quite motivated to improve my swim over Summer whilst I base-build on land.

A slow 4km jog around Opera House with Yum Cha was the perfect way to warm-down.


Run-wise, today was very light on. 7km into work via Broadway, 6km to ABC (and return), then 8km home again via Broadway. Actually, that's 21km all up. Leg's feel better.

Weekend will involve standard easy running, no speed. Likely Bay Run Saturday, Centennial on Sunday. In between will be nappy changes.

HuRTS continues to be a gold mine for new dad-advice and recently baby gifts. A baby giraffe from Renee, and today training-mate Lambert demonstrating incredible baby fashion sense in a sparkly top, 3x the size of my newborn.

I trust Trinity grows into it, failing which it actually fits the wife.

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