
Hospital Long Run

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Just realised I've banked some serious kms for 7 days straight and on track for another 150km week. It's all unplanned really, no idea why I'm doing so much mileage. Comes down to doing what I love, being uninjured, an understanding wife and no kids.

Out the door at 6:40am on a warm Saturday morning for what turned into an unplanned long run. Headed over into the CBD to join Matt as he ran home from St Vincent's Hospital (night shift). I decided to visit a few surburbs on my way southbound, including Blue's Point and Kiribilli. Just in case that wasn't enough, I crossed the bridge and detoured through Hickson Road then the domain before linking up with Matt outside the emergency department.

Must have been a combination of (i) missing lunch yesterday, (ii) serious dehydration and (iii) rising temperatures but I felt absolutely rock-bottom on the 10km return. No energy, ever-so-slight nausea and stomach pains. I was unable to follow Matt as he surged up Pacific Highway. Not good but I made it home in one piece.

Covered 31km at 5:15 min/km with 600m elevation change. As is customary after such a horribly feeling run ... I ended up motionless, face down in the pool.

4L of water, a solid brunch and a few hours of R&R I felt much better. So much so that I fit in a good game of tennis plus a 3km recovery run with Lorie late afternoon.

This probably means I won't do the Striders STAR run tomorrow... Going to be a hot one in any case.

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