
Northbridge Trails then The Ponds

Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday - Northbridge Trails 5 hours sleep not enough to dull my enthusiasm for a 6:45am start with Bryan. Kicked off at Artarmon Station and headed down the back streets of Northbridge. Heat picked up quickly and the trails starting at the gold course provided great respite. This brought us to Tunks park, where at Bryan's request we did a short monkey bar...




Friday, November 28, 2014
Once again much too difficult to do a passive Friday... Morning was brilliant ... slightly cloudy but a lot cooler than earlier in the week. Started off with 9km recovery run to work. I seem to still be struggling with energy levels in the morning. Explains the 5:20 min/km pace but at an effort that felt much faster. Fridays have now turned into...



HuRTS Rushcutters Oval

Thursday, November 27, 2014
Again I've failed at keeping the mileage low. Early morning text from Matt asking for some run company into the city - had to oblige at a pace that is slightly-faster-than-recovery for 9km all up. I was looking for an excuse NOT to ride - lower back is really killing me after 2 days of easy cycling. Must be really bike unfit and/or...



Swim Ride Run Ride

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Stopped off by Lane Cove pool again this morning, purely because I was up at 5:30am, looked at my scrawny arms and had nothing else to do. 1.5km very easy freestyle, before jumping back on the bike and off to work. Trying to minimise run mileage this week, so I turned down an offer for a 20km MLR to Bondi. Headed out to...



Recipe: Chai Almond Slice

Wednesday, November 26, 2014
I very rarely have baked goods - too much butter, oil, refined sugar and refined carbs. The misses has just nailed a really simple combo...  Big tick on being healthy, easy and tasty. Chai almond slice - 3 ingredients Chai Almond Slice (3 ingredients, 20 min) - 1 Jar (250g) Chai Spiced Almond Spread (use MiLA's) - 1 egg - 1/2 tsp baking soda...



Brutal Bird Assault and HuRTS 4x10min

Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Magpie 1, Hoey 0 Decided to roll the dice and ride to work in pretty damp roads. No longer than 5 min in I was deeply regretting this. There I was, riding innocently past Artarmon Oval, when I heard a piercing sound from the skies. Looked up just as a huge magpie came swooping down. Lucky I reacted fast, else I would have...



HuRTS Wharves

Monday, November 24, 2014
First day of a cut-back week, so no commute into work. Did the usual HuRTS wharves run in what was pretty uncomfortably hot/humid weather. Started a touch late so first 3km with Renee playing catch up. Found the group and took it really easy at around 5 min/km. This meant the main group went ahead and I hung back with Conway and Nathan....



Recovery in Sweltering Heat

Sunday, November 23, 2014
Had to give the Striders Chatswood LR a miss today. Absolutely no incentive to be stuck in the heat after 8:30am. So instead, all I did was a recovery run out to Macquarie Hospital before shooting back along the Lane Cove cycle tracks. Not sure if it's a coincidence but two hospital visits in two days... all for the right reasons though. Happened...



Lox Stock & Barrel, Bondi Beach (22 November 2014)

Sunday, November 23, 2014
After confessing my brunch addiction to a long-time running mentor (Conway), I was prescribed a visit to Lox, Stock & Barrel, a deli diner located 15 minutes from Bondi Beach. Lox, Stuck & Barrel My brunch company consisted the misses plus three new recruits: newly-made parents Nick and Christine plus a chubby 3 month bundle of joy. No secret that the best group...



Hospital Long Run

Saturday, November 22, 2014
Just realised I've banked some serious kms for 7 days straight and on track for another 150km week. It's all unplanned really, no idea why I'm doing so much mileage. Comes down to doing what I love, being uninjured, an understanding wife and no kids. Out the door at 6:40am on a warm Saturday morning for what turned into an unplanned long run....



Action Packed Two Days - HuRTS Awards and Redleaf

Friday, November 21, 2014
Thursday Knew I was unable to do a lunch session so extended my commute around Blues Point and the beautiful boardwalks circling Luna Park. The ascent back up from the water to Milson Point is never fun, particularly early morning with a backpack. Great run nonetheless - 12km all easy. Circling Blue's Point Headed out again at lunch to stretch the legs once...



Double Run plus Lane Cove Laps

Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Astounded today how fresh I felt, as if I've taken 2-3 days off. The reality is obviously the opposite and I was expecting to be in a world of pain. Could it be the magic of the massage? Possibly, but gone is my tight ITB, chronic hamstring pain and swelling under left foot.  9km this morning with Matt at a slow progressive tempo....



HuRTS Progressive Tempo

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Joined Matt for an early morning run to work. 9km all up as I was running in circles outside his apartment waiting for 5 min. Deliberately slowed him down to save my legs for lunch. Matt (RHS) and I near Milsons Point Lunch temperatures pushing high 20s and I was fairly unmotivated to push today's 45 min progressive tempo. Luckily most people started...



HuRTS Hickson Recovery

Monday, November 17, 2014
So my legs and lower right calf is still crying from Saturday's massage. Was told by MC after yesterday's half plus my morning jog, I should typically rest the day after... my mistake. HuRTS MLR around Hickson was pretty tough in pretty hot weather. Started 2 minutes late so had the pleasure of 5km at 4 min/km to catch a fairly large group...



Willoughby Trails plus a Half

Sunday, November 16, 2014
Saturday - Long Run Didn't plan to do a LR but amazing how some nice trails and cool weather combine to double a planned 15km trail run. I retraced my steps from the Striders Willoughby Winder a few weeks ago. First 8km on road, then onto some easy trails from Castle Cove. 6km later I emerged a tad battered and bruised from some...



Cafe Centro, Eastwood (15 November 2014)

Sunday, November 16, 2014
Deep in the depths of ‘hanger’ in our maiden trip to Eastwood at midday, how on earth did the misses and I find ourselves so desperate for a good brunch? Can't speak for Lorie, but I went head-to-head with some beautiful but brutal trail runs the same morning. The long long lead-up We checked out Café Centro, a 'hole in the wall’ set-up...



Redleaf Swim

Friday, November 14, 2014
Temperature soaring today, must have peaked at 32-33 degrees just after lunch. It would have been criminal to not find a body of water to jump into.  Friday's are now a roll the dice day - last week was Cremorne Point. This week I joined Charlie, MC, Tom, Jonathan for a 6.5km run through Potts Point and Rushcutters Bay. Sole intention was to...



HuRTS Wharves Recovery

Thursday, November 13, 2014
Fairly uneventful day and feeling remarkably fresh despite racing yesterday. Slow morning recovery 8km to work as usual. At lunch I joined HuRTS - much smaller group today for option B: wharves recovery run. Makes sense as you'd be silly doing race + speed back to back. Energy and quads felt fine, some mild pain again under my left foot after the run. I...


Race Report

JP Morgan Corporate Challenge - 20th in 18:17

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Final race of the year and some very good results at the JP Morgan CC. Now I hate evening races with a passion and preparation was against me - flew in the night before at 11pm and legs not recovered from last week. I'd be happy with a sub 19min over 5.6km. My warm-up was the run to Centennial Park after work (6km),...



Hobart Swim

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Just a sneaky 1km jog to the Hobart Aquatic centre early morning plus another 1km return. Add a medium-intensity 1.6km freestyle into the mix. Frankly legs felt flat and perhaps a touch under the weather. Hopefully will be right for JP Morgan... ...



Hobart Coastlines

Monday, November 10, 2014
Early morning recovery run tracking southwards from Hobart wharves. Much colder this far south but enjoyable nonetheless. Hobart wharves Got as far as University of Tasmania before turning back. Obviously no incentive to push the pace and I had to get back before 7am. 8km at a touch under 6 min/km. No harm done  but frankly legs feel a touch flat. Coastline approaching Uni...



Weekend Trails - Lane Cove then Northbridge

Sunday, November 09, 2014
Saturday Maiden Sydney Striders 6ft training run through Lane Cove National Park. I've been told of mythical trails through LCNP but never explored. Absolutely no regrets I joined a very large contingent of Striders. I did detour about 10km via Epping Road before the the start (Delhi Road entrance). Initial pace was easy but I settled into the front group of 6 where...



Sotto on West, North Sydney (8 November 2014)

Saturday, November 08, 2014
Sotto on West is located on West Street, directly opposite to a larger arch nemesis in Cafe Eighty Ate (see review here). It's a good setup - well lit, cool spring breeze and a decor best described as both fun and homely. Staff are early 20s, friendly and service is quick. Tip of the day - 'Hangry' wife equals miserable life Is it...



Cremorne Point

Friday, November 07, 2014
Leaving the house for the usual run, I had to turn back after 750m having left some work documents at home. No harm down - 9.5km instead of 8km but very easy. Joined Charlie (work), A-MB (work) and A Biggs for a run across the bridge to Cremorne Point. We met with quite a few others from the Mon/Wed Warriors group at the...



Off the Plane into Fartlek Mode

Thursday, November 06, 2014
It's rough when travel breaks up the routine - what to do when leaving 5:20am to Melbourne and back 14 hours later? I hopped out of the cab and jogged to Chatswood Oval late evening. Speed work around an oval is a lot more mental than physical. I struggled through an epic 18x400m intervals with 200m floats. Translated, its not too disimilar to...



Easy Base Building

Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Woke up unusually early (5:30am) and took my time with an easy 10km to work...slower the better for me at 5:35 min/km. These sort of runs are perfect looseners that don't compromise recovery. At lunch joined a smaller HuRTS group that included Conway, Charlie and the two triathletes Crossy and Kevin. I like the Wednesday course as it is flat and you get...



Melbourne Cup Day

Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Interrupted day of training with Melbourne Cup work lunch at Sake, The Rocks. This saw my normal HuRTS session (45 min fartlek) substituted for a 6 course fusion Japanese feed. Good for the palette, bad for the training. Of course I anticipated this and put a twist into my morning commute. I headed down to Blues Point with ad-hoc push-ups added in along...



HuRTS MLR to the Wharves

Monday, November 03, 2014
Low motivation Monday, but I still enjoy running way too much to consider a rest day. Two legs, some time and a patch of dirt is all I need. New norm for me is the Monday HuRTS recovery starting from Macquarie Street. I planned a shorter one and headed down to join a fairly large group (15+). Run took us through the Domain,...



Centennial Long Run

Sunday, November 02, 2014
It hit me when I woke up... the feeling that there are two large wooden stakes through the quads. Lucky I live in a one story house or I'd be in trouble. Nonetheless I joined the HuRTS long run in Centennial Park on Sunday morning. Flat course... an easy sell over hills in Lower North Shore. Notable absences included Enda (hopefully OK from...



Cafe Eighty Ate, Crows Nest (2 November 2014)

Sunday, November 02, 2014
Cafe Eighty Ate is a medium-sized, semi-outdoor local cafe that sits on West Street. I need to confess having 'Ate' in the name is a real draw-card for me. I also run/ride past this place on the way to work most mornings. Cafe Eighty Ate - bustling trade along West Street Judging a brunch venue comes down to taste, value and size; all...